8 Ways Gaslighting Can Backfire In Business

gaslighting in business

Gaslighting Can Backfire Spectacularly

Gaslighting, a psychological manipulation technique, is often associated with toxic personal relationships. However, it’s essential to recognize that gaslighting can also infiltrate the business world, leading to significant negative consequences. It’s a topic that comes up frequently among people seeking a Chicago therapist for career related matters.

Gaslighting in a professional setting involves manipulating others to doubt their perceptions and reality, creating a hostile and unproductive work environment. In this blog post, we’ll explore eight ways gaslighting can backfire in business and why it’s crucial to address and prevent it.

1. Decreased Employee Morale

Gaslighting can severely impact employee morale. When workers experience manipulation, constant doubt, and the feeling of being undermined, they become disheartened and less motivated to perform at their best. This leads to a decline in productivity and a higher turnover rate as employees seek healthier work environments.

2. Erosion of Trust

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful business. Gaslighting undermines trust by making employees question their own judgment and creating a culture of deceit. Once trust is eroded, it’s challenging to rebuild, and this can damage relationships with employees, clients, and stakeholders.

3. Poor Team Dynamics

In a gaslit work environment, teamwork becomes increasingly difficult. Gaslighters often pit employees against one another by sowing discord and manipulating situations to their advantage. This leads to a breakdown in communication and cooperation, harming overall team performance.

4. Increased Employee Stress

Gaslighting can cause tremendous stress and anxiety among employees. The constant manipulation and psychological pressure can lead to burnout, increased sick days, and even mental health issues. Stressed employees are less productive, more prone to making mistakes, and less engaged in their work.

5. Decline in Creativity and Innovation

In an environment where employees are made to doubt their abilities and ideas, creativity and innovation take a hit. Gaslighting suppresses employees’ willingness to voice their opinions and contribute fresh ideas, hindering the company’s ability to adapt and grow in a competitive marketplace.

6. Reputation Damage

Gaslighting can have a lasting impact on a company’s reputation. Word can quickly spread about a toxic work environment, causing clients and potential business partners to question their association with the company. This can result in lost opportunities and a tarnished brand image.

7. Legal Consequences

Gaslighting can lead to legal problems for a business. Employees who have been subjected to psychological abuse may seek legal recourse for workplace harassment, discrimination, or emotional distress. This can result in costly lawsuits and damage to the company’s reputation.

8. What Goes Around Comes Around

When one business owner gaslights another business owner’s operation, it can activate a spiritual truth in Karma known as What Goes Around Comes Around. In other words, there can be unintentional negative consequences that you can attract as a result.

The more negativity a gaslighting business owner puts out there, particularly in the name of competition, the higher likelihood of negative repercussions.

Preventing and Addressing Gaslighting in Business

To prevent gaslighting from harming your business, consider the following strategies:

  • Create a Culture of Open Communication: Encourage employees to voice their concerns and ideas without fear of reprisal.
  • Provide Training and Education: Educate employees on recognizing and addressing gaslighting behaviors.
  • Establish Clear Policies: Develop and enforce clear policies against harassment, bullying, and gaslighting in the workplace.
  • Lead by Example: Promote ethical leadership and healthy communication from the top down.
  • Offer Support: Provide resources and support for employees who may have experienced gaslighting.
  • Conduct Regular Employee Surveys: Use anonymous surveys to gauge the overall health of your workplace and address concerns proactively.
  • Seek Professional Help: If gaslighting has taken root in your business, consider bringing in professionals to mediate and address the issue.
  • Don’t mess with another person’s business out of jealousy or ego. Only fame seeking narcissists do this.


Gaslighting in business can have severe consequences, from a drop in morale to legal troubles and a damaged reputation. By recognizing the signs of gaslighting and taking proactive steps to prevent and address it, businesses can create a healthier, more productive, and more ethical work environment.

Remember, a workplace built on trust, open communication, and respect is more likely to succeed and thrive in the long run. Be mindful of what you put out into the universe. Negativity, often sandwiched in between narcissism and jealousy, can come back to bite you in ways that aren’t on your radar.

Disclaimer: This post is made for informational and educational purposes only. It is not medical advice. The information posted is not intended to (1) replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified licensed health care provider, (2) create or establish a provider-patient relationship, or (3) create a duty for us to follow up with you.