relational therapy chicago

Relational Therapy, Chicago, IL

Welcome to 2nd Story Counseling in Chicago, your trusted provider of relational therapy services. We believe that relationships are at the core of human existence and have the power to shape our well-being.

Our experienced therapists specialize in relational therapy, an approach that focuses on understanding and healing the connections we have with ourselves and others.

What is Relational Therapy?

Relational therapy is a therapeutic approach that recognizes the significance of our relationships in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It views relationships as the primary context for growth, healing, and self-discovery.

By exploring the dynamics between individuals, relational therapy helps uncover patterns, identify unresolved issues, and promote healthier ways of relating.

Benefits of Relational Therapy

1. Improved Communication: Relational therapy helps develop effective communication skills, fostering deeper understanding and empathy within relationships.

2. Enhanced Self-Awareness: By exploring relational dynamics, you gain insight into your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, leading to increased self-awareness and personal growth.

3. Healing Past Wounds: Relational therapy allows for the healing of past traumas, unresolved conflicts, and attachment issues, paving the way for healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

4. Strengthened Intimacy: Through relational therapy, you can cultivate deeper emotional intimacy and connection with your loved ones.

5. Conflict Resolution: This approach equips you with conflict resolution strategies and problem-solving skills to address challenges within relationships effectively.

Relational Therapy Video

How is Relational Therapy Used?

Relational therapy is versatile and can be applied to various contexts. It is commonly used in individual therapy, couples counseling, family therapy, and group therapy settings.

Our skilled therapists adapt the approach to suit your specific needs and goals, tailoring the therapy to your unique circumstances.

Relationally Focused Psychodynamic Therapy

At 2nd Story Counseling, we utilize sometimes use a psychodynamic therapy approach. This approach emphasizes the exploration of early life experiences and unconscious processes that influence your relationships.

By examining your past and present interactions, we aim to uncover underlying patterns and promote healing and personal growth.

Universal Practices

We integrate universal practices into our relational therapy sessions to create a safe and supportive environment. These practices include active listening, empathy, authenticity, and respect.

Our therapists are committed to providing a non-judgmental space where you can openly express yourself and explore your relational experiences.

Feminist Therapy: A Closer Look

As part of our therapeutic approach, we incorporate feminist therapy principles. This framework acknowledges the impact of power dynamics, social inequalities, and gender roles on relationships.

It promotes empowerment, equality, and social justice within therapeutic interactions, fostering personal and relational well-being.

Isn’t Feminist Therapy for Women Only?

Feminist therapy is an approach that addresses the impact of gender roles, power dynamics, and social inequalities on mental health and well-being. While the name might suggest that it is exclusively for women, it is important to note that feminist therapy is beneficial for individuals of all genders.

Men, as well as women, can greatly benefit from feminist therapy by exploring and challenging traditional gender norms and expectations, understanding the ways in which these norms affect their relationships and emotional well-being, and promoting equality and social justice within their personal and interpersonal lives.

Feminist therapy creates a safe space for individuals of all genders to examine and address the effects of patriarchy and sexism, fostering personal growth, empowerment, and healthier relationships for everyone involved.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy & Psychology

Interpersonal psychology forms the foundation of our relational therapy approach. It explores how interpersonal relationships shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

By understanding the impact of interpersonal dynamics, we can work towards resolving conflicts, improving communication, and fostering healthier relationships.

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a time-limited, evidence-based therapy that focuses on improving interpersonal relationships and resolving interpersonal difficulties.

It was developed initially in the 1970s by Gerald L. Klerman, Myrna M. Weissman, and colleagues as a short-term treatment for depression. IPT has since been adapted and used for various other mental health conditions and concerns.

Here are some key points about interpersonal psychotherapy:

  • Focus on interpersonal relationships: IPT recognizes the importance of interpersonal factors in mental health and emphasizes how relationships and social interactions impact emotional well-being.
  • Time-limited approach: IPT is typically structured as a short-term therapy, typically ranging from 12 to 16 weeks. The therapy is focused and goal-oriented, aiming to achieve specific interpersonal changes within a defined timeframe.
  • Identifying and addressing interpersonal difficulties: IPT helps individuals identify and explore specific interpersonal problems or conflicts that may contribute to their distress. These difficulties may include unresolved grief, role disputes, role transitions, or interpersonal deficits.
  • Collaborative and supportive therapy: IPT provides a supportive and collaborative environment, where the therapist works together with the client to understand and address interpersonal challenges. The therapist helps the client develop more effective communication and problem-solving skills.
  • Integration of psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral elements: IPT incorporates elements from both psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral approaches. While it acknowledges the impact of past experiences and emotions on present relationships (psychodynamic), it also emphasizes changing patterns of thinking and behavior in interpersonal interactions (cognitive-behavioral).

Regarding Chicago roots with interpersonal psychotherapy, it is important to note that the developers of IPT, Gerald L. Klerman and Myrna M. Weissman, were associated with the University of Chicago during the early stages of its development.

They conducted extensive research on IPT and its application to depression and other disorders while at the University of Chicago’s Department of Psychiatry.

Their work laid the foundation for IPT and its subsequent growth and adaptation in various clinical settings. Therefore, the Chicago roots are significant in the history and development of interpersonal psychotherapy.

Problems Addressed in Relational Therapy

“RT” is effective in addressing a wide range of concerns, including:

  • Relationship conflicts and challenges
  • LGBTQ coming out issues
  • Communication difficulties
  • Intimacy and trust issues
  • Attachment and bonding difficulties
  • Family-of-origin issues
  • Trauma and abuse-related issues
  • Grief, loss, and bereavement
  • Life transitions and adjustments

What to Expect from Relational Therapy

When you embark on a journey of RT with us, you can expect:

1. Collaborative Partnership: Our therapists work collaboratively with you to create a therapeutic partnership built on trust and mutual respect. Your goals, values, and preferences guide the therapeutic process.

The key thing to remember is this: collaboration is key to making this form of therapy work. 

2. Exploration and Reflection: Through open and honest dialogue, you will explore your past and present relationships, identifying patterns, and gaining insight into the dynamics at play. This self-reflection allows for a deeper understanding of yourself and your relational patterns.

3. Support and Empathy: Our therapists provide a supportive and empathetic environment where you can express your thoughts and emotions without judgment. They offer guidance and validation, helping you navigate through challenges and emotions that arise during the therapy process.

4. Skill Development: Relational therapy equips you with practical skills and tools to improve your communication, conflict resolution, and interpersonal dynamics. You’ll learn healthy ways to express your needs, set boundaries, and develop more fulfilling relationships.

5. Personal Growth: Relational therapy encourages personal growth and self-discovery. As you deepen your understanding of yourself and your relationships, you’ll have the opportunity to make meaningful changes, develop new perspectives, and cultivate healthier ways of relating.

6. Long-Term Benefits: Relational therapy not only addresses immediate concerns but also provides long-term benefits. By developing stronger relational skills, healing past wounds, and fostering healthier connections, you’ll experience improved overall well-being and a more satisfying quality of life.

 Relational Therapy – Additional Benefits

You may be wondering what some additional benefits of relational therapy are. We’ve listed a few out to help with your decision making. 

Increased Self-Awareness
One of the primary benefits of insight-oriented relational therapy is the heightened self-awareness it fosters. Clients are encouraged to explore their thoughts, emotions, and past experiences, helping them gain a deeper understanding of their own motivations and behaviors.

This self-awareness enables individuals to make more informed choices and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Enhanced Emotional Regulation
Insight-oriented therapy provides a safe and supportive environment for clients to express and process their emotions. By examining the root causes of emotional responses, individuals can learn to regulate their feelings more effectively. This can lead to reduced anxiety, depression, and other emotional difficulties.

Improved Interpersonal Relationships
The relational aspect of this therapy emphasizes the importance of exploring patterns and dynamics in personal relationships. Clients can gain insights into how their past experiences may be influencing their current interactions with others. This understanding can lead to healthier, more satisfying relationships, as clients become more capable of empathizing with and relating to others.

Resolution of Past Trauma
Many people carry unresolved trauma from their past, which can impact their mental and emotional well-being. Insight-oriented relational therapy provides a platform for addressing and processing these past traumas. By doing so, clients can find healing and move forward with their lives.

Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills
Through the process of self-reflection and gaining insight into their behaviors and thought patterns, individuals can develop improved problem-solving skills. They become better equipped to identify obstacles, set achievable goals, and navigate life’s challenges.

Increased Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
As clients gain a better understanding of themselves and work through underlying issues, they often experience an increase in self-esteem and self-confidence. This newfound self-assuredness can have a positive impact on various aspects of their lives, including their work, relationships, and overall happiness.

Empowerment and Personal Growth
Insight-oriented relational therapy empowers individuals to take control of their lives and make positive changes. It encourages personal growth by facilitating a deeper connection with one’s authentic self and supporting the development of a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Long-Term Positive Outcomes
The insights and skills acquired through insight-oriented relational therapy are typically enduring. Clients often find that the benefits of this therapy extend beyond the treatment period, leading to lasting improvements in their mental and emotional well-being.

Wrap Up

Insight-oriented relational therapy offers a rich and rewarding path to self-discovery and personal growth. By promoting self-awareness, emotional regulation, improved relationships, and resolution of past traumas, this therapeutic approach equips individuals with the tools they need to lead more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

The benefits of insight-oriented relational therapy can be transformative, allowing clients to not only understand themselves better but also to create positive and lasting change in their lives.

Request Relational Therapy in Chicago

At 2nd Story Counseling, we are dedicated to helping individuals, couples, and families build healthy connections and lead fulfilling lives. Our experienced therapists combine their expertise in RT, psychodynamic approaches, and feminist therapy principles to provide effective and compassionate care.

If you’re ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth through RT, we invite you to reach out to us.

Take the next step toward healthier relationships and a more fulfilling life. Contact 2nd Story Counseling in Chicago today and let us support you on your path to positive change.